Rafa Canosa

Frontend Developer

Rafa Canosa foto

I am passionate about creating beautiful products that empower people. With over 2 years of hands-on experience in crafting web applications, I have honed my skills in programming languages essential for the web, along with a proficiency in designing high-performance applications. I bring a proactive approach to resolving challenges and a dedication to effective collaboration.


  • Languages & Tools

    • Html-logo
    • css-logo
    • javascript-logo
    • typescript-logo
    • node.js-logo
    • php-logo
  • Libraries & Frameworks

    • react-logo
    • astro-logo
    • next.js-logo
    • tailwind-logo
    • bootstrap-logo
    • docusaurus-logo
  • Databases

    • postgresql-logo
    • supabase-logo
  • Other

    • git-logo
    • github-logo


  • Web Application Developer

    Web Application Developer


  • HTML & CSS certificate

    HTML & CSS certificate

  • JavaScript


  • SQL
